How to bind a range of IP’s in Redhat based linux

How to bind a range of IP’s in Linux This method is used by Redhat Linux based servers (Centos/RedhatEnterprise/FedoraCore). Create a file called /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0 And in the file place these 3 lines but change the IP’s to match YOUR assigned range. ## Start CLONENUM_START=0 # Example | IPADDR_START=67.18.333.440 # Example | IPADDR_END=67.18.333.444 #… Continue reading How to bind a range of IP’s in Redhat based linux

Linux Memory Management

Scenario: Customer is concerned that only 100MB of their 2GB of memory is as unused or free when running the free command. However, no processes appear to be consuming large amounts of memory, and the server is not running slow. Cause: This is not a problem, but rather a result of the way linux manages… Continue reading Linux Memory Management

How to add GD support to PHP on a Linux server with Plesk

Adding GD graphic libraries support to php on your linux server with Plesk is relatively simple. First, log into your server using ssh to get to a command line prompt. Second, type the following command to install a version of php with GD support: up2date php-gd Third, restart your web service with this command: service… Continue reading How to add GD support to PHP on a Linux server with Plesk

How do I retrieve the Plesk control panel password?

You can always get the Plesk password if you have Administrative access to the server. If you have also lost administrative access to the server, refer to [How do I reset the password on my server] For Windows, 1. From the Start menu, select Run. 2. Enter the following command: “C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\bin\plesksrvclient.exe” -get For Linux,… Continue reading How do I retrieve the Plesk control panel password?

Rootkit help

RootKit — Spyware and Junkware detection and removal tool Go to Rootkit Hunter homepage, and download the latest release. ## Get the latest source and untar # cd /usr/src/utils # wget<version>.tar.gz # tar xfz rkhunter-*.gz # cd rkhunter # ./ ## run rkhunter # rkhunter -c Setup automatic protection on System Reboot ##… Continue reading Rootkit help

rndc: the key is invalid

Problem: ——— Issue: ——— While starting named, or when running /etc/rc.d/init.d/named status, you get the following error: rndc: connection to remote host closed This may indicate that the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, this host is not authorized to connect, or the key is invalid. Solution: ——- Fix: ——-… Continue reading rndc: the key is invalid