WHM / cPanel : Munin MySQL Graphs blank

Make sure that the password in /root/.my.cnf is valid, first. In /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d , you will see a file called cpanel.conf . Modify it completely to look like so: [mysql*] user root group wheel env.mysqladmin /usr/bin/mysqladmin env.mysqlopts -u [MySQL_usr] -p[MySQL_usrpassword] ### [MySQL_usr] is a valid MySQL user and [MySQL_usrpassword] is it’s password ### you can use… Continue reading WHM / cPanel : Munin MySQL Graphs blank

Categorized as cPanel

Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’

CentOS release 4.5 (Final) Server version: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) You can get this error for lots of reasons (including the mod_ssl.c module not being loaded) but my problem to day was the above error spat out by: apachectl configtest The reason is that apachectl DOES NOT define SSL (i.e. when it’s checking the config file). Therefore… Continue reading Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’

Categorized as cPanel

Plesk – Cannot FTP to a domain after its physical hosting has been recreated

1. Physical hosting on a domain had been removed. 2. Then it was recreated using the same FTP user name. 3. After that it’s impossible to login by ftp to the domain, the FTP server returns an error: 530 User fp1 cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. CAUSE IIS cache causes this problem. RESOLUTION Here… Continue reading Plesk – Cannot FTP to a domain after its physical hosting has been recreated

Categorized as Plesk

rndc: the key is invalid

Problem: ——— Issue: ——— While starting named, or when running /etc/rc.d/init.d/named status, you get the following error: rndc: connection to remote host closed This may indicate that the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, this host is not authorized to connect, or the key is invalid. Solution: ——- Fix: ——-… Continue reading rndc: the key is invalid

Upgrade WHM / cPanel Linux server to EDGE Virtuozzo Optimized release

Q. How do I upgrade my CentOS Linux 5.0 dedicated server to WHM / cPanel edge release? A. You can upgrade to EDGE release from WHM manager. Please note that Edge is the bleeding edge tree. While it has the newest features; It has undergone the least amount of testing (if any). You generally shouldn’t… Continue reading Upgrade WHM / cPanel Linux server to EDGE Virtuozzo Optimized release

Categorized as cPanel