We will be primarily working with one configuration file in this article: OpenSSH – /etc/ssh/sshd_config OpenSSH For locking down which users may or may not access the server you will want to look into one, or more, of the following directives: User/Group Based Access AllowGroups This keyword can be followed by a list of group… Continue reading How do I permit specific users SSH access?
Author: dino
Chrootkit help
SSH as admin to your server. DO NOT use telnet, it should be disabled anyways. #Change to root su – #Type the following wget ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.tar.gz # Check the MD5 SUM of the download for security: ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.md5 md5sum chkrootkit.tar.gz #Unpack the tarball using the command tar xvzf chkrootkit.tar.gz #Change to the directory it created cd chkrootkit*… Continue reading Chrootkit help
Rootkit help
RootKit — Spyware and Junkware detection and removal tool Go to Rootkit Hunter homepage, and download the latest release. http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html ## Get the latest source and untar # cd /usr/src/utils # wget http://downloads.rootkit.nl/rkhunter-<version>.tar.gz # tar xfz rkhunter-*.gz # cd rkhunter # ./installer.sh ## run rkhunter # rkhunter -c Setup automatic protection on System Reboot ##… Continue reading Rootkit help
URL injections information
URL Injection attacks typically mean the server for which the IP address of the attacker is bound is a compromised server. Please check the server behind the IP address above for suspicious files in /tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm, along with checking the process tree (ps -efl or ps -auwx). You may also want to check out http://www.chkrootkit.org/… Continue reading URL injections information
Securing the TMP Partition and Tracking Hacks
Are your temp partitions putting out behind your back? Anyone who’s ever administered a Linux server would know the risk of leaving the /tmp directory unsecured, moreso on a webserver that is shared among multiple websites. The tmp directory is world-writeable and used by a majority of services on a machine — including the storage… Continue reading Securing the TMP Partition and Tracking Hacks
Installing IonCube loader with Zend Optimizer – cPanel
This is a common request we get for Ioncube to be installed. It’s generally not an issue, but when you factor in other optimization plugins like Zend and eAccelerator, a common misconception is that the three don’t get along. It’s very easy to install Ioncube into a PHP installation that already has Zend and eAccelerator.… Continue reading Installing IonCube loader with Zend Optimizer – cPanel
eAccelerator on PHP 5
Here is what I did to get eAccelerator 0.9.5 running on PHP 5 on my V-Dedicated server. I did the exact steps when I had PHP 4 running the only difference was that with PHP 4 I used the 0.9.4 install of eAccelerator instead of 0.9.5. Everything was done via SSH access. 1. cd /usr/local/src/… Continue reading eAccelerator on PHP 5
How to Upgrade PHP – cPanel
Whether you compiled manually or with EasyApache, running a PHP upgrade from a previous version is super easy but also one of the most common questions I get. There are 3 likely assumptions about your current environment (specific to Linux servers, sorry Windows users): 1. You are running a cPanel server and have PHP compiled… Continue reading How to Upgrade PHP – cPanel
Preventing DDOS Attacks with Mod_Evasive
Denial of Service attacks are among the oldest yet most common form of attacking a server. Most system administrators have had to deal with DOS attacks taking down a server, router, or other networking device and know how difficult they can be to prevent. Mod_evasive is an Apache module that limits the number of Apache… Continue reading Preventing DDOS Attacks with Mod_Evasive
Fixing Common Perl Issues – cPanel
Sometimes you’ll notice that a certain function of cPanel or WHM was working fine, now all of a sudden you’re getting results that you’ve never seen before. Believe it or not, many problems with cPanel functionality related to processes running off of scripts is because of a perl corruption. To resolve this, usually the first… Continue reading Fixing Common Perl Issues – cPanel