WHM / cPanel : Munin MySQL Graphs blank

Make sure that the password in /root/.my.cnf is valid, first. In /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d , you will see a file called cpanel.conf . Modify it completely to look like so: [mysql*] user root group wheel env.mysqladmin /usr/bin/mysqladmin env.mysqlopts -u [MySQL_usr] -p[MySQL_usrpassword] ### [MySQL_usr] is a valid MySQL user and [MySQL_usrpassword] is it’s password ### you can use… Continue reading WHM / cPanel : Munin MySQL Graphs blank

Categorized as cPanel

Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’

CentOS release 4.5 (Final) Server version: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) You can get this error for lots of reasons (including the mod_ssl.c module not being loaded) but my problem to day was the above error spat out by: apachectl configtest The reason is that apachectl DOES NOT define SSL (i.e. when it’s checking the config file). Therefore… Continue reading Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’

Categorized as cPanel

Upgrade WHM / cPanel Linux server to EDGE Virtuozzo Optimized release

Q. How do I upgrade my CentOS Linux 5.0 dedicated server to WHM / cPanel edge release? A. You can upgrade to EDGE release from WHM manager. Please note that Edge is the bleeding edge tree. While it has the newest features; It has undergone the least amount of testing (if any). You generally shouldn’t… Continue reading Upgrade WHM / cPanel Linux server to EDGE Virtuozzo Optimized release

Categorized as cPanel

How do I view what exim is doing?

Exim comes with a utility called ‘exiwhat’ which will display what each instance of exim is currently involved with. The output will look similar to this: root@server [~]# exiwhat 2118 daemon: -q1h, listening for SMTP on port 25 (IPv4) 2130 daemon: no queue runs, listening for SMTPS on port 465 (IPv4) 31640 handling incoming connection… Continue reading How do I view what exim is doing?

How to re-install RVSkin ?

How to uninstall RVSkin? Run this command: perl /root/rvadmin/uninstall.pl Terminate rvadmin account from WHM Reinstall rvadmin mkdir /root/rvadmin; cd /root/rvadmin; wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/download.php/download/rvskin-auto/saveto/rvauto.tar.bz2; bunzip2 -d rvauto.tar.bz2; tar -xvf rvauto.tar; perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl

Categorized as cPanel

Ports that must be open to run cPanel behind a firewall IPTables

Ports that must be open to run cPanel behind a firewall / IPTables port service protocol direction 20 ftp tcp inbound/outbound 21 ftp tcp,udp inbound/outbound 22 ssh tcp inbound 25 smtp tcp inbound/outbound 26 smtp tcp inbound/outbound 37 rdate tcp outbound 43 whois tcp outbound 53 DNS tcp/udp inbound/outbound (inbound is only needed if you… Continue reading Ports that must be open to run cPanel behind a firewall IPTables

Categorized as cPanel


cPanel setup : —– cPanel Installation Instructions: —– cPanel now uses a universal install script which can be found at http://layer1.cpanel.net/. You can use the following commands in the root shell to download and start the installation script: mkdir /home/cpins cd /home/cpins wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest sh latest —– Fantastico —– SSH to your server(s) and enter… Continue reading How do I INSTALL cPanel and FANTASTICO?

Categorized as cPanel