Currently cPanel will start with eth0 and work through eth1 when you assign nameservers to your IPs via WHM. Unfortunately, this will automatically choose your management IP range first, which of course are non-routable. There are two work-arounds for this: 1: Create a fake nameserver record on your private IPs, and add an A record… Continue reading Assigning Name server IPs manually via SSH – cPanel
Author: dino
How can I compress my CPanel domlogs log files?
Before setting up compression of your logs you will want to have cpanel run the stats as often as possible. This is so you do not miss any stats that would have been included were your logs not compressed before stats run. To do this, login to WHM, and click on Tweak Settings under Server… Continue reading How can I compress my CPanel domlogs log files?
cPanel required ports list
Cpanel required ports list User Opinions ( ) How would you rate this answer? Helpful Not helpful Help us improve. Why was this unhelpful? Thank you for rating this answer. Port Service Protocol Direction Notes 20 ftp tcp inbound/outbound 21 ftp tcp,udp inbound/outbound 22 ssh tcp inbound 25 smtp tcp inbound/outbound 26 smtp tcp inbound/outbound… Continue reading cPanel required ports list
WHM shows all accounts as 0/unlimited quotas
There are many possible causes of this issue, however most relate to quotas being enabled on the filesystem itself. Some ways to check the most common errors are: Quotas enabled in the filesysem By default, quoatas are enabled in the kernel on all SoftLayer Linux and FreeBSD kernels. If you’ve compiled/installed your own kernel, you’ll… Continue reading WHM shows all accounts as 0/unlimited quotas
“IMPORTANT: do not ignore this email: The hostname resolves to . It should resolve to X.X.X.X”
A newly setup cPanel system may have a message such as the following show the first time that you login to WHM. IMPORTANT: Do not ignore this email. The hostname ( resolves to . It should resolve to xx.xx.xx.xx. Please be sure to correct /etc/hosts as well as the ‘A’ entry in zone file for… Continue reading “IMPORTANT: do not ignore this email: The hostname resolves to . It should resolve to X.X.X.X”
Error 550 – “The recipient cannot be verified” – cPanel
On servers running cPanel, you may find that mail sent to valid users it bounced back by your mail server. The bounce back messages will be similar to the following. PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 550-“The recipient cannot be verified. Please check all recipients of this550 message to verify they are valid. If this is… Continue reading Error 550 – “The recipient cannot be verified” – cPanel
How do I get my mail headers?
Retrieving email headers is a very important step in reporting or troubleshooting any email issue. Here are the steps to get email headers from some of the more popular mail programs: Eudora Pro Double-click on the message to open it in a separate window. Click on the button labeled “BLAH BLAH BLAH” at the top… Continue reading How do I get my mail headers?
Installing VMWare on CentOS 5.x (64-bit)
Installing is easy.Login to the server with the root user. VMWare Install Preparation First, we need to download the VMWare installer.You can get to the download via here, click on the download link, accept the EULA, and download the LinuxTarball (VMware-server-1.0.3-44356.tar.gz in my case): ·Main Download Link: ·# wget –O vmware-server.tar.gz After… Continue reading Installing VMWare on CentOS 5.x (64-bit)
DoS: looking at open connections
Here is a command line to run on your server if you think your server is under attack. It prints our a list of open connections to your server and sorts them by ammount. RedHat: netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n BSD: netstat… Continue reading DoS: looking at open connections
How to disable root login through SSH.
Before you do this make sure you have created another user in the wheel group. To disable root login through ssh, edit the following file: # /etc/ssh/sshd_config browse to the following line: PermitRootLogin yes and change to: PermitRootLogin no Save the file and restart ssh. # /etc/init.d/ssh restart If you are ssh’d into the server… Continue reading How to disable root login through SSH.