Rootkit help

RootKit — Spyware and Junkware detection and removal tool Go to Rootkit Hunter homepage, and download the latest release. ## Get the latest source and untar # cd /usr/src/utils # wget<version>.tar.gz # tar xfz rkhunter-*.gz # cd rkhunter # ./ ## run rkhunter # rkhunter -c Setup automatic protection on System Reboot ##… Continue reading Rootkit help

Preventing DDOS Attacks with Mod_Evasive

Denial of Service attacks are among the oldest yet most common form of attacking a server. Most system administrators have had to deal with DOS attacks taking down a server, router, or other networking device and know how difficult they can be to prevent. Mod_evasive is an Apache module that limits the number of Apache… Continue reading Preventing DDOS Attacks with Mod_Evasive